Activate 101
For allies, advocates, and accomplices
A 5-week workshop
bridge the gap
between your intention and your impact
This five-week workshop is for individuals finding their footing in the allyship space and for teams and companies looking to expand their awareness and improve the culture in their workplace.
Week 1 / awareness
Week 1 is all about learning the 4 principles that serve as the foundation of this work along with creating a shared language and examining systems of oppression at varying levels.
Week 2 / Get personal
Then, we shift our focus to ourselves and create our Social Identity Diagram while digging into how our identity and life experiences shape our reactions to conflict.
week 3 / analysis
In our third session, we do the hard but important work of pinpointing our biases and our triggers, but also our strengths. Additionally, we will examine where we hold power while determining where we can add value by leveraging our privilege.
Week 4 / commit
Week 4 is about discovering where and how we would like to make an impact, learning how to build trust by holding ourselves accountable, and embracing new tools that will help us commit to showing up intentionally every day.
Week 5 / Action
This week, we will map out our personal mission statement and create a path to doing the work of being in allyship, advocacy, and complicity with others.
We will also...
Cover the four sticky standards of Right to Comfort, Elevation of Politeness, Neutrality, and Defensiveness and investigate how they work together to create tense situations so we can avoid this common trap.
Course structure
This is 5-session, virtual workshop. Attendees will receive an email with instructions on how to access the materials for each day.
All sales are final and non-refundable.
Reach out
Reach out to sign up, be placed on the contact list for when new dates are scheduled, or with any questions you may have.
I look forward to connecting with you!